You can't tell us whether all of the documents, excluded or redacted, actually appeared at a cabinet meeting. Now it seems that you're saying that you didn't even see all of the documents, even though we were told that you were going to be coming here to explain why they were redacted or excluded. Effectively, we're not getting any new information or a rationale today that we didn't already have, which brings back memories.
The Ethics Commissioner reported that nine witnesses could not provide information in the SNC-Lavalin investigation because, again, of cabinet confidences, as defined by your office and by the Prime Minister. In it he says, “I was, therefore, prevented from looking over the entire body of evidence to determine its relevance to my examination”—as as requested democratically by Parliament. He said, furthermore, that he was unable to fully discharge his investigatory mandate, again, because of the application of so-called cabinet confidentiality.
Has the Ethics Commissioner been in contact with anyone in the government to acquire information regarding the WE scandal, to your knowledge?