The quick answer is that we have one more piece of a three-legged stool to put together, and that is the implementation of a financial protection tool that would protect produce sellers and farmers in the event of a bankruptcy. That would be the statutory deemed trust.
With regard to other tools that exist within the perishable agricultural commodities act, under the leadership of the Liberal government with Minister Vanclief, back in 2000 there was a model put in place that operates now under the dispute resolution corporation. Similar to the way claims are handled through PACA in the U.S., we have a similar model here for dispute resolution. The only piece that we're missing is the bankruptcy tool.
The federal government had the best of intentions in terms of protections for farmers under the BIA, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, but unfortunately it does not protect fresh fruit and vegetable farmers and sellers because of the unique attribute of how we grow, sell and market our products. We're outside of the tent relative to the protections in our current regulations.