If you have $100 to invest, do you invest it in Canada? You're not looking at your liabilities. You're either in solvency or a going concern. They are what they are. You look at your assets. With $100 invested in a Canadian company, your assets are valued at $100. For $100 invested in an Indonesian bank, you cut it to $80. The other $20 is a reserve. You still make the money on the $20, but you're only credited for $80.
The sponsor will say, “Do I really want to put up an extra $20 when I could get the same credit if I invested it in Canada?” The tendency would be to say, “No, I don't want to put up extra dollars.” That's basically the reserve system. For things that you want to discourage, you ask them to set aside reserves, and when you calculate the assets, you discount these reserves. That's all. It's very simple. You can do that by regulation.