Thank you for the question.
In terms of the total number, by some rough estimates, about $140 million is spent annually on advertising, with the majority of that particularly through Facebook and Google, so 8% of that would be just north of about $11 million.
To your question, community radio stations, campus radio stations and indigenous radio stations currently receive next to no funding. There is the local journalism initiative. Of its annual $10 million, we receive $1 million, and we're very grateful for the top-up that came from some of the COVID funding. Generally, though, unlike the funding allocated to public broadcasters or the tax credits for commercial broadcasters, they receive nothing. Many of these stations rely on radio bingo and local advertising. Again, in the post-COVID era, local advertising still has continued to not rebound in the same way we would have hoped.
What would it do? Currently, many stations pay their station managers $20,000 to $30,000 a year. That's not even a living wage. To have some level of continuity would be amazing. We continue to evolve in terms of the role we have to play in how people can get access to these radio stations—livestreaming and the new technologies that are required to podcast—and at the same time, community radio stations, because of their role in these communities and remote communities, must continue to stay on the airwaves.
Technological advancements, which currently are put together with duct tape in some cases but are critical to their ability to move forward, would be enhanced through this sort of funding, as would, very importantly, their ability to do critical programming to unite communities. I think of CJNU in Winnipeg. My colleagues here on the panel know about that. This is a radio station dedicated to nostalgia broadcasting for people who are 70 plus. As we speak about the measures, as my other colleagues on this panel talked about, to support senior citizens, having these stations able to create a community for these people is vital to Canadians.
As another one of my colleagues mentioned, knowledge is power. To be able to transmit that knowledge and make sure that it gets to the people who need it, particularly on a local level, is vitally important.
Thank you for the question.