First, let me say that Mr. Dodge should be teaching constitutional law somewhere, as I did for many years.
You did a good job, David.
On trade and commerce power, I think it's fair to say that, wherever Lisa and I go and when we talk to our members, one thing we hear is the importance of reducing interprovincial trade barriers. David may have a better estimate than I do, but it's at least $3 billion annually, if not more, that we're just leaving on the table in relation to interprovincial trade barriers.
David is right that these trade barriers emanate from the provinces, and I do think that you've seen some progress. I am sitting here in my home province in Edmonton, Alberta, and certainly Alberta, along with Saskatchewan and Manitoba, has made some small progress in terms of reducing interprovincial trade barriers.
I think it requires the collaboration of the provinces, the territories and the Government of Canada, everybody working together, in fact, identifying...and we have done this. We have done this, as you know, for decades, quite truthfully, but it's continuing to identify the barriers and having honest conversations about who the winners and the losers will be—because there will be some of both—and how we mitigate the losses for those who are identified as losers and move forward.
We hear over and over again that Canadians, let alone our members, do not understand why, as a federation, we continue to have these non-tariff barriers that get in the way of the free movement of goods and people. Yes, small steps have been made in this regard, but we have a long way to go.