Indeed. I totally agree with you, but I think we're at a point in time where everyone's acknowledging a crisis and a one-off release.... I mean, there are some studies that suggest that in the city of Toronto alone—because the city started to actually regulate short-term rentals—10,000 units have been released to the market.
If you're telling me that the government doesn't have that information and would like that information, maybe that's something the committee could request. I'd like to hear from some short-term rental operators. These are individuals who are sometimes operating out of single-family detached dwellings. They're not all just condos. Yes, that's a part of it, and I'm sure it's a big piece.
I'll stay with you, Mr. Dugan, if that's fine.
The second question is this: Does CMHC have any analysis on the recent changes to the building code or proposed changes to the building code from NRCan about how much additional cost per unit that adds to housing?