Thank you, Mr. Ste‑Marie.
I would like to come back to two points that I brought up in my opening remarks.
First, significant progress has been made with respect to the GAAR. For our part, we defended the need to penalize offenders. In other words, not simply forcing them to repay the amounts that would have been subject to tax evasion, but also ensuring that a penalty would be imposed in order to further deter offenders. That has been done, and we are very pleased with the step forward.
I also have to come back to the beneficial ownership registry. I know that there is still a lot of discussion about this from a legislative standpoint. The issue is ongoing, but I invite Canadian MPs to ensure that the only taxable rate at which a person or business must disclose their identity as an effective beneficiary is set at 10% of a company's shares, not 25%. This is a mistake that has been made by a number of countries, starting with the United Kingdom, one of the first countries to establish such a registry.
If I may, I would like to continue with a few of our recommendations, which is what the member asked me to do a little earlier.
One of our first recommendations, which addresses the need to unmask avoidance mechanisms, is to make the CRA more transparent and accountable to Canadians. Last April, the Collectif Échec aux paradis fiscaux had the opportunity to organize a collective action in front of the CRA offices in Montreal to demand more transparency. We obviously have to provide the CRA with the necessary means to carry out its mission, but we also have to ensure that, every year, the CRA is required to submit a report on its activities as part of the federal budget. That is an important element. We hope that the new Minister of National Revenue will do so as soon as possible.