The answer for my municipality is no. Don't get me wrong, though. I think the housing accelerator fund is a significant funding opportunity for municipalities.
The reality in my community—and in many, many communities in New Brunswick—is that in order to access that funding, you are required to have a housing needs assessment. If you don't have that, the application is really not even looked at. Again, larger cities may have the capacity and the money to throw at a housing needs assessment. Most small municipalities do not have that.
I realize that you don't want to give money to municipalities for housing if you don't have some idea about what they need. However, it is a little prohibitive. It certainly is for my community, and it is for many communities across New Brunswick. There have been some successful applications within the province of New Brunswick that I'm aware of. There are things happening within the province, so we're trying to get a bunch of municipalities to do housing needs assessments all at once so that we can have access to that important funding stream.