I will say that there are two pieces that I think government has a role to play in with respect to assisting the industry to attract and maintain a healthy workforce.
The two destinations that you just mentioned, Banff and Whistler, are prime examples of affordable housing not being available for workers. If you add to that their location, transportation to the location is also challenging. I can take that to a different community. In Ontario, with regard to the towns of Collingwood and The Blue Mountains, workers have to live an hour away, because that's where the houses are that they can afford. It's become such a great destination that it's driven up the cost of housing within the local community.
In order to have people live where they work and work where they live, the government needs to turn its attention to more affordable housing builds, some specific incentives to building more rental housing, and also working with the provinces, territories and cities around building more transportation infrastructure. That's one piece there.
From an immigration standpoint, we've seen some movement on making getting into the country easier for folks who have the skill sets that we need, but a lot more work is needed in that space. We need changes to which NOC codes get priority for entry into Canada, and we also need to have a program dedicated to tourism, especially understanding that there are seasonal requirements that we have.
Again, I'll go back to your neighbourhood of Banff. A lot of folks who work within the ski industry actually follow the ski industry globally. It's a global workforce. Having temporary foreign workers who can come in for the season and then leave but come back the next year without having to go through the LMIA process and the expenses attached to that is incredibly important.
Recently, the trusted employer program was announced for the temporary foreign worker program, but you have to have two years with the program to be noted as a trusted employer. We had two years, at least, in which employers were not using the program. I've asked if the temporary foreign worker program could give the tourism industry a reprieve out of 2020, 2021 and maybe even 2022, so that, if they were a trusted employer prior to the pandemic, they could pick up that status now. Unfortunately, that's not something we've been able to move the needle on at this point.