I think others have spoken about the.... Is there something wrong with other savings vehicles that are making people turn to property as an investment? People seem to be leaving savings in the stock market behind, or they're doing both. I think there's a rush towards investing in property as a commodity that seems safer. Maybe there's something about income security that can be improved that would have people motivated to not be investing in housing as a profit-making piece.
I think there are lots of other things going on for people, as well, in terms of just figuring out where we can extract public benefit as opposed to creating profit, for the well-being of people, in a broader sense, that affects everybody. We're all in the same boat. We're all in the same country. If we have rental units in our homes, do we need to charge top dollar? Is there a way we can acknowledge landlords who don't charge top dollar? There are many stories of compassionate landlords, who see the person living in their house as a member of their family, in a sense. Promoting that sense of community instead of greed and profit is a bit of a pipe dream, a bit of rhetoric, but maybe there's something to it.