Every time I have the opportunity to speak on behalf of the Union des municipalités du Québec, it is clear that improvements must be made to the way municipalities do things. Let's not bury our heads in the sand. However, we, too, have consulted our members and have seen that processing times have been much shorter in recent months.
It must also be understood that private developers are proposing certain developments on land where zoning approval is needed. So we are being asked to make a zoning change overnight. Municipalities have to follow set procedures and are bound by certain constraints.
Let me give you a concrete example that took place in Blainville, not far from where I live. A developer proposed a project that put the onus on the municipality by indicating that there would be only one parking spot per dwelling. Where would people park their vehicles? They would end up parking on the surrounding streets. You also have to look at what is acceptable.
I think the role of the municipality is very important. We all have to work together and not bury our heads in the sand. I think if we work with developers and different levels of government, we'll be able to move much more quickly.