Thank you for the question.
One of my comments was going to be that we have to set up a system where we are not poaching from each other.
This is a global nursing shortage. Speaking nationally, we are seeing incentives across the country. If you go to work in northern Newfoundland or in Labrador, it's an additional $25 an hour. Windsor, Ontario, is offering $25,000 more to work there. This is all drawing nurses, especially young nurses who have no hold where they are, to try other things.
The agency is another huge issue. What we are finding in nursing right now is that we are losing so many nurses out of our public health care system to the agency. There is definitely compensation. We are hearing that in northern B.C. a nurse is getting $180 an hour. There are some long-term care facilities in Ontario where the employer is paying $300 an hour for an RN. Try to compete with that as a public health care system. That's a huge issue.
We're also seeing nurses leave our public health care system to go to the agency because in the agency, you're not mandated to work. I can tell you that right now in Manitoba, 16-hour shifts are becoming the norm. There are many facilities where we're seeing nurses working 24-hour shifts. Work-life balance is a huge issue for nurses. We are seeing many nurses move to the agency over work-life balance.
I think we need a national health human resources program, specifically to look at how to stop the poaching from province to province and how to make every province attractive for nurses to stay in. We also need a national look at how to stop the use of agency nurses.
I really do salute Quebec for its stand on eventually phasing out and banning agencies. I don't think banning agencies completely is going to work because there are facilities that would not be open if we were not using agency nurses. However, I think it has to be a national program. If we don't do that, those agencies will just move from Quebec, and there will be more agency nurses in Ontario or Manitoba.
I firmly believe that private agencies are the cancer in our health care system right now.