Thank you so much, Mr. Chair.
I want to thank all the presenters for their excellent presentations. I have only six minutes, but I have one million questions for all of you.
I will initially focus on Mr. Strain from the Business Council of Manitoba. We have brought in a historic number of newcomers. We have a historic number of refugees. We have a lot of asylum seekers. We know that we have skill and labour needs across the country. I wonder whether you might support something like an industry council that maybe gets together on a regional basis across the country. You're bringing the three levels together. You're bringing the universities and colleges and key employers and unions together. You can do a bit of a level-set: What are the skills and labour needs now and coming up so that we can start making some of those adjustments to the immigration system?
One of the other things we've done over the last few years is put in quite a few mechanisms for the Minister of Immigration to actually be able to open up for more skilled trades and change the NOC system a lot more easily.
Would that be something you'd be supportive of?