Small population centres with low density probably don't have the capacity to actually provide the analysis of that type of information. There is some flood-mapping data done by the Insurance Bureau of Canada. The Province of Alberta had some flood mapping that it just will never release for whatever reason. We've asked for it for 10 years, and it turns out that it will never leave the halls of the provincial government.
We need to model risk from a local level, from all levels, and I think we need to start using that risk model. We need to start going away from a one-in-a-100-year flooding to one in 250. There's drought mitigation, and all these resiliency conversations we need to have. If you have a dollar, are you better to spend the dollar on mitigation or on adaptation? I'll be honest with you. It's probably a dollar on adaptation. I think that we need to start looking at it that way. That's not speaking against renewables or any of those other pieces, but, from a municipal rural lens, adaptation is the key place.