Good morning, everybody. Welcome. I call this meeting to order.
This is the Standing Committee on Finance, and this is meeting number 120. We're doing our pre-budget consultations in advance of the 2024 budget.
I'll say, just for everybody who is here, that we actually started these pre-budget consultations on the east coast, and we were able to get out to every province there. This past week, we've been in Quebec City, Toronto, Winnipeg and Edmonton, and today we are here in beautiful British Columbia, in Vancouver. We're delighted to be here, and we have a local member, Peter Julian.
Welcome, Peter.
That's what's great about this. We get to be on the ground. It's been five years since this committee has been able to travel—through COVID, etc.—and it's really imperative that we do get onto the ground, that we meet people at the community level and that we hear from witnesses.
We've also had a record number of briefs that have come to this committee. It's a record number for the finance committee. Over 850 briefs have come in from witnesses. Not everybody has an opportunity to be at the table, but I know that you speak for many constituents and your stakeholders.
We also have something on this committee that I find is quite pioneering—and it's good that we're out here on the west coast—and that is something called the open mike. The open mike gives others an opportunity—because we don't have the space for all who want to speak and want to be here in person in front of the committee—to get onto an open mike. You'll see it behind you. We have a number of individuals and organizations that are going to have an opportunity to provide their statements, their remarks and their testimonies for our committee.
Our members are going to also have an opportunity to introduce themselves. I will say that the witnesses will know a number of the people here, but Alexandre Roger is our clerk, and he is somebody that has communicated with all of you in terms of the logistics to be able to be here. Our analysts capture all of the information that is transmitted, be it through the briefs or here through your testimony. Our technicians make sure that all of our devices are working, etc., including our interpretation devices. Then, of course, there are our interpreters, who are able to provide, in both official languages, all of our proceedings.
On that note, we are going to welcome our first open-mike person.
I have here the vice-president of the Vancouver branch of the National Association of Federal Retirees, Murray Bryck.
Murray, you can go to the mike. Take your time. We're looking forward to hearing from you.