That was amazing. We appreciate it.
Now we will go to the other witnesses who are at the table.
With us today, from the Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne, is the director, strategic research and international relations, Martin Normand. From the Co-operative Housing Federation of British Columbia is the chief executive officer, Thom Armstrong. From the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade is president and chief executive officer Bridgitte Anderson as well as vice-president David van Hemmen. From Metro Vancouver, we have the chair of the board, George Harvie. From Spirit Foundation Financial Technology Inc., we have its chief executive officer, Alex Holman. From The Mustard Seed is director of operations, Treska Watson.
With that, witnesses, you'll have up to five minutes for opening statements and remarks to our committee before we get into the members' questions.
We will start with the Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne.
Go ahead, please.