Thank you, Minister. I'm at the end of my time. I appreciate that.
We voted for that. Mr. Chambers, you're absolutely correct.
I want to repeat something you said in 2015: “the OECD has cut its 2015 GDP forecast for Canada to a dismal 1.5%.” By the way, that is now predicted to be 1.3% this year. “By way of excuse, the minister today claimed, ‘We are doing better than most developed countries’. That is simply not true. The OECD puts us behind Australia, Germany...Israel, the Netherlands, South Korea, Sweden, the U.K., [and] the U.S.” In per capita numbers, we're behind all those countries today. “This is no global problem, as the government likes to pretend to excuse its shoddy management. This is a made-in-Canada runway to recession.”
Do you still agree with that?