It's a good question. It's something that we are looking at.
I will say, though, that our primary objective is to put in place policies that will lead to new projects being put in motion, for the obvious reason that it's good to have incentives to create new projects rather than to be adding on the incentives to projects that are already in train.
I would like to take the opportunity to say that I have looked carefully—and looked carefully initially—at your motion on the financialization of housing. As I'm sure you have noted.... One of the points you raised in your motion was around the short-term rental business. I hope you have noted—and I'm glad to do so publicly—that we have subsequently acted in that area. I think it's a really good point.
I think all of us who care about the housing situation are focused on getting more homes built. That's a good thing, but it takes a while to build a home. The great thing about the short-term rental, which you yourself pointed out, is that those are homes that exist right now, and if we can move them into the longer-term rental market, that's progress, so I just want to say thank you for singling that out for attention.