Thank you for the question.
You have touched on several things, but I would first like to make a comment concerning public lands: the federal government has a number of land holdings, but so do the provinces and municipalities. I think that if the federal, provincial and municipal governments took a collaborative approach, we could build more housing. As I said earlier, we have an agreement with Kelowna, which is going to add its lands. I think it is a good idea to try to do it together where possible.
Concerning our approach with municipalities, we generally prefer a collaborative approach. We understand that there are difficulties and that is why we have created the housing accelerator fund. We took an asymmetrical approach with Quebec, where our housing agreement offers $900,000. For the rest of Canada, we are negotiating with the municipalities. In fact, when I speak with mayors all across Canada, they find this approach to be really useful. The federal government has a point of view...