Thank you very much, Ms. Bowers.
It will be a complex study to carry out. We hope to release the report later this year in June.
The study covers a specific time period. We're trying to determine what the supply will be from now until 2030. You have to forecast if you want to understand the rising demand that comes with population growth, income growth and so on.
We want to look at all these issues together, to try to forecast the number of units that will be needed to meet growing demand by 2030. It's a fairly complex study, although we already have some information on hand. Studies by some organizations have shown that Canada's per capita housing stock is currently below average compared to the other G7 countries. A variety of Canadian provinces, such as Ontario and Alberta, are facing even bigger shortages.
For us, these studies provide a starting point. We want to refine them to obtain a better answer and understanding of how this shortage will evolve over the next few years. As I mentioned, growth in demand is caused by population growth, income growth and other factors.