Daniel, I hope you don't mind my calling you Daniel, especially since it's your last day.
Daniel highlighted one of the measures I am especially pleased that we, together, are able to support. It is for adoptive parents: a 15-week shareable employment insurance adoption benefit. I know that, like me, you're a mom. I'm very glad we're going to be able to support more families once we get this legislation passed, so let's do it.
Something else that means a lot to me and that I was glad we were able to include is new paid leave for federally regulated workers to support women who have miscarried. I think for a long time we didn't talk about miscarriage. We didn't recognize the pain caused to women who miscarry. I know you're a nurse and a mother. I think it is high time for us as a society to recognize how physically hard a miscarriage is, as well as emotionally traumatic.
I'm glad that—again, once we get this legislation passed, so let's do it—we're going to be able to recognize a woman's pain and physical stress from miscarriage and provide her with some support.