We're back after speaking with the clerk and the analyst.
One thing I want to bring to everybody's attention is that this motion is identical to a motion that's before the House today. Depending on what happens at the House, if this motion were to pass here and then go to the House, it could be ruled out of order by the Speaker because it has already been dealt with. That's what would happen because it's identical to what is before the House today.
We are going to continue with the motion. I do have a speaking list. I just wanted to make sure that everybody is aware of where we stand right now. Hopefully we can get through this quickly and get to our, as I said, excellent witnesses who are before us so that we can get to some of the members' questions.
Members, if you do have questions—and we don't have a lot of time—maybe you could pose those to the witnesses, and the witnesses could send answers in writing to our clerk and to our committee.
I have MP Morantz, MP Lawrence and MP Dzerowicz on the list.