When the government makes an announcement, but that is not followed by the measure it has announced, the industry waits.
In March 2019, for example, the federal government announced a rebate on the purchase of an electric vehicle. However, because it had not specified a date or an amount, people stopped buying electric vehicles while they waited to hear the details. So for two months, we did not get anything.
In another case, there was an announcement about electric school and city buses. We had to wait two years to find out the details of the electric school bus program. This meant that transportation companies all across Canada, and all the people responsible for placing orders, waited two years to find out what the criteria for the program would be, so all electric school bus purchases came to a halt. As a result, companies had to lay people off, because they did not know what was coming. At the start, they thought they would place orders and hire staff to prepare for the wave of orders, but the two-year wait for the details resulted in a slowdown in the industry. In addition, when the announcement of the details came, it did not reflect the initial announcement, and so companies had to lay people off.
For off-road vehicles, the announcement was made a year and a half ago. I was very happy with it. Since that time, however, I have been contacting officials to get a definition of what an off-road vehicle is. It seems to me that this is not all that complicated; it is a vehicle that runs off-road. Our members and I are impatiently awaiting this information. During this time, there are companies that have laid people off, because the announcement has come to nothing.