We would like the Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program to restart. The program has been closed for months now and this interruption has contributed to delays in the deployment of charging infrastructures.
We'd like to see the government pursue its ongoing commitment to electrify its vehicle fleet, and I'm not only talking about light vehicles, but also medium and heavy vehicles such as buses, school buses and trucks. We would like to see the zero emission standard included in the act.
Several measures were introduced by the Canadian government, and that's laudable. The government is indeed contributing to the transformation of Canada's automobile and truck industry with a view to creating jobs with a future.
But one of the reasons why Canada is not being effective is that the cost of energy is too low. For an economist like you, or someone like me who has specialized in the field of energy for four decades, it's surprising to hear people say not only that the carbon tax is expensive, but also that we are not effective. You can't have it both ways. If we lower the price of energy, we won't be effective.