I understand that Tim Ross appeared before the committee earlier this week, and I certainly stand behind everything that he said. Co-ops represent only 1% of the purpose-built rentals in Canada. There was a heyday of construction of co-ops, non-profits and indigenous housing, but there's been a gross underinvestment over the last 30-some years. We're waiting with great impatience for that co-op development program to be released.
I'm a huge fan of co-ops. I've also developed housing co-ops. They are a mixed-income community, and that's the part that is very important.
To ensure the longevity of co-ops and a mixed-income community, the rental assistance program that comes to an end in 2028 needs to be extended. What co-ops and non-profits need are really long-term commitments to continued funding, not just for more development but also for rental assistance to ensure the mixed income model and to meet the needs of the millions of people with low to moderate incomes in Canada who need a home.