Basically, what I can share with everyone here, to make everyone understand, is that a lot of times people—perhaps even some in this room—will clean their dress shirts at home, take them to a dry cleaner and say, “They've already been cleaned. I just want them ironed.” In our process, every single dress shirt is pressed damp. The reason why it's pressed damp is that it's fed on a body unit that can do 50 to 75 shirts per hour. It would take you a lifetime to press your shirts in one sitting, compared to how we process things.
Those investments are not cheap. The equipment that we invest in is very expensive, but it does make a big difference in allowing us to produce more pieces and maximize our revenue streams. We're working against the clock every day. We need to maximize the number of pieces that we're producing.
That's why I brought up the importance of productivity. When the deputy governor made that statement in the Financial Post, it really resonated with us because we're not what she's talking about. We are productive. That's one of the main reasons why, if you walked into a cleaner a couple of years ago and then walked in again today, you'd see prices relatively close to where they were, which is not what you're seeing in other industries. Productivity is a key thing for our business. It always has been.