As I alluded to in my opening remarks and previous response, I think we need to create clinics and infrastructure in community health centres, long-term care centres and rural settings. We need to put the facilities that provide dental care, and the professionals, where the people are who need them.
At the moment, the model that works very well for most people is setting up a private office and having people come to it in the normal way. That works for most of us, and that's fine, but it doesn't work for lots of people, unfortunately, such as people with disabilities, people who are in rural and remote areas, very young kids, and seniors. They tend to be the poorest people and they tend to be the people with the highest level of disease, so we need to do that sort of thing moving forward.
Ultimately, in my opinion, we should be making oral health care part of the medical care system, as we do with all other parts of the body.