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Before I get to recommendations, I would add that the situation is even more complicated than we have portrayed it up to now, because of the pandemic. You may have noticed it was highly publicized in La Presse recently and some other papers that the population of our major urban centres, particularly Montreal, declined sharply during the pandemic. People are moving to Terrebonne and other areas outside of our large urban centres. An additional complication of matching supply and demand is that, geographically, demand has made yet another change over the last year. That's going to make things more complicated.
What are my recommendations? No matter what you do, it's going to take years to fix the supply response. As Mr. Moranis said, we're looking at a huge structural deficit. At current rates of building, it's going to take a decade just to put a dent in this problem, so there are not going to be any easy answers. Perhaps, rather than talking about supply, which is what most of the focus is on, maybe we should be talking about reining in demand, about slowing down immigration. What's the point of allowing immigrants into this country if there isn't a place to house them?