Would this open them up to being accused of misleading discount claims if they struggled to actually comply? That's what my worry is. It's one thing to say, okay, well, there's a cost to a compliance barrier, which sounds like, “Okay, well, boo hoo. You're a business and you should have to track that pricing information.” I get that. However, if it's actually not feasible for them to do so, given the size and scale of the business and that they may not have the resources to do so, potentially it could open them up to undue risks in terms of their not really deserving that level of risk, perhaps.
I don't know if you can say anything else about that. I'm just trying to get really practical about it. I'm thinking about those 600,000 small businesses, for example, that are getting the Canada carbon rebate for small businesses in the future, and how the risk would occur for them.