Thank you. Maybe I can give you some more room on that. You may have anticipated a bit where I'm going to go, because another potential revenue item is corporate taxes generally.
I think I've put this to you before. In the United States, President Biden is proposing to increase the U.S. corporate income tax rate to 28% from the current 21%.
I know that it seems to be a key economic feature in Canada that we need to keep Canadian corporate taxes competitive relative to those in the United States, and I think we all accept that. Right now we're at 15%, and they're at 21%. If the U.S. is raising their corporate tax rate to 28%—another 7%—do you agree with me that it opens up room for us to have a measured increase in corporate tax rates in Canada that would help with revenue for the federal government while also keeping Canadian businesses competitive vis-à-vis the U.S.?