The point is that I signed on to a letter that called for an emergency meeting under the Standing Orders. Standing Order 106(4) says that the chair “shall” call the meeting when it's signed by at least four members from two different parties, so we met the standard required in Standing Order 106(4).
Maybe the clerk could correct me, but I think I recall a notice of meeting actually coming out, which was retracted afterward and then replaced with the notice for the suspended meeting. I could be wrong about that; maybe I'm confusing it with another committee.
Did that happen? It did happen, so I am right about that. A notice of meeting was actually issued according to Standing Order 106(4), and I thought we were having a meeting about Standing Order 106(4). Then, a day later, all of a sudden, an email came from the clerk saying that notice of meeting was being withdrawn. You'll see, when you have a chance to catch up and talk to the clerk about it, that the notice of meeting was withdrawn.
Do you guys remember that?