That's a great question. If I'm running a business and I see the AMPs, my heart might start beating quickly for just a second, but I say “just a second”, because I think that really the only businesses that should fear the AMPs right now are ones that are worried about their ability to handle the data of Canadians with care. I don't think our regulators have a history of administering monetary penalties willy-nilly. In fact, I've heard some arguments to the contrary. I've heard consumer groups say that our FCAC isn't aggressive enough.
Perhaps this isn't a popular thing to say, but the only really loud opposition I've heard about the AMPs in my conversations within the fintech scene is from companies that have already been on the receiving end of an FCAC penalty. Our members are comfortable with the AMPs as is because our members realize they're operating in a very special space—the financial sector—and they need Canadians' trust. Also, they have no doubt in their ability to comply with the framework that's coming.