Thank you.
To answer the first part of the question, currently Health Canada does have powers under the licensing for natural health products to include information about the safe use of products. That includes statements such as “for external use only” for a product that is not intended to be ingested or statements for products that should be kept away from children.
On the second part of the question, the interpretation of this section is concerning because of some of the exemptions that have been included in the drafting. While the statements from Health Canada express their intent, that intent isn't written in the legislation itself. The legislation itself is much more broad. It talks generally to unintended use, and then it also allows for an exemption if Health Canada has uncertainty respecting the risk to health and safety about that unintended use. In that case, they can nonetheless still make an order. That takes away a lot of the scientific scrutiny and rigour that would normally be applied to the use of such powers.