Thank you very much.
Mr. Chair, I was just going to call for a recorded division on this.
I want people to understand what's happening here and the reason that we're revisiting NDP-27.1. It's the provision on the sunset clause, with my amendment to have a sunset clause of two years for the immigration detention provisions of this bill. However, it appears that a mistake was made: The Liberal members did not intend to support this amendment; neither did the Conservatives, so what is required is a unanimous consent motion for us to revisit this, and this is what we're doing.
The NDP—and I won't speak for the Bloc, but I know that we share the same views on this matter—want to see a two-year sunset clause. However, if we did not provide unanimous consent to revisit this, then the Liberals and Conservatives would join, in a coalition fashion, to defeat the entire amended section on the sunset clause, which we do not want.
I want to have the opportunity to then move another amendment under NDP-28 that changes the sunset clause to five years instead of two.