I'm going to move it and briefly explain it.
As I said earlier, a few years ago, Australia brought a dispute case against Canada at the World Trade Organization, the WTO, over the tax on wine. The dispute obviously concerned wine from grapes. However, in Quebec, wine from grapes is called “wine”, and we have another terminology for alcoholic beverages made from small fruits, maple syrup and honey.
Canada complied with the WTO decision and applied the tax to Canadian wine, but only to wine from grapes. When we looked into this matter in committee, we adopted an amendment to exempt apple cider and mead producers from the tax. However, we were unable to adopt an amendment to exempt from that tax—and so comply with the decision—producers of alcoholic beverages made from small fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and pears, for example, and producers of maple-based alcoholic beverages.
Australia's complaint obviously didn't concern all those producers, who are small local and artisanal producers who work hard to create high-quality regional products. We therefore want to support them and allow them the same privilege as the one the committee granted for apple cider and mead producers. That's the reason for this amendment.
I therefore encourage my colleagues to support this amendment unanimously.