I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 147 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance.
Pursuant to the House of Commons order of reference adopted on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, and Standing Order 108(2), the committee is meeting to discuss Bill C-69, an act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 16, 2024.
Before we begin, I would like to ask the members and other in-person participants to consult the cards on the table for guidelines to prevent audio feedback incidents.
Please make note of the following preventative measures in place to protect the health and safety of all participants, including the interpreters. Only use a black, approved earpiece. The former grey earpieces must no longer be used. Keep your earpiece away from the microphone at all times. When you are not using your earpiece, place it face down on the sticker placed on the table for this purpose. Thank you to all for your co-operation.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format pursuant to the Standing Orders. In accordance with the committee's routine motion concerning connection tests for witnesses, I'm informed that all witnesses have completed required connection tests in advance of the meeting.
Actually, this is not exactly correct, members. There may be witnesses or officials who need to come on if you have any questions, and they would be tested at that time. There are too many of them available to us. It will be done when they are asked to come before us.
I would like to make a few comments for the benefit of the members and witnesses.
Please wait until I recognize you by name before speaking. For members in the room, please raise your hand if you wish to speak. For members on Zoom, please use the “raise hand” function. The clerk and I will manage the speaking order as best we can, and we appreciate your understanding in this regard. Also, all comments should be addressed through the chair.
I'd like to provide the members of the committee with a few comments on how the committee will proceed with the clause-by-clause consideration of Bill C-69. As the name indicates, this is an examination of all the clauses in the order in which they appear in the bill. Pursuant to the motion adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, all clauses for which no amendment was submitted will be considered and voted on first, although I believe that there have been some discussions and that may change somewhat at the beginning, when members are able to pull out some of those clauses.
We'll follow that with the clauses with amendments. I will call each clause successively, and each clause is subject to debate and a vote. If there are amendments to a clause in question, I will recognize the members proposing them, who may explain them.
In addition to having to be properly drafted in a legal sense, amendments must also be procedurally admissible. The chair may be called upon to rule amendments inadmissible if they go against the principle of the bill or beyond the scope of the bill—both of these were adopted by the House when it agreed to the bill at second reading—or if they offend the financial prerogative of the Crown.
Amendments have been given a number on the top right corner to indicate which party submitted them. There is no need for a seconder to move an amendment. Once moved, you will need unanimous consent to withdraw it. During debate on an amendment, members are permitted to move subamendments. Approval from the mover of the amendment is not required. Subamendments must be provided in writing. Only one subamendment may be considered at a time. The subamendment cannot be amended. When a subamendment is moved to an amendment, it is voted on first. Then another subamendment may be moved, or the committee may consider the main amendment and vote on it.
Pursuant to the motion adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, if the committee has not completed the clause-by-clause consideration of the bill by 5 p.m., all remaining amendments submitted to the committee shall be deemed moved. The chair shall put the question forthwith and successively, without further debate, on all remaining clauses and proposed amendments as well as each and every question necessary to dispose of the clause-by-clause consideration of the bill and all questions necessary to report the bill to the House.
Finally, if members have any questions regarding the procedural admissibility of amendments, the legislative clerks are here to assist the committee; however, they are not legal drafters. Should members require assistance with drafting an amendment or a subamendment, they must contact the legislative counsel.
I thank the members for their attention and wish everyone a productive clause-by-clause consideration of Bill C-69.
As I said earlier in my remarks, members, there are many witnesses. I believe there are about 70 or so who are available if members have questions, but they would have to come, many of them, online via video conference and they would have to be tested to get them going.
Now we will get started.