I published a report early last year in which we did say that the government should set a target for social housing. We did see that there is a real issue, particularly for Canadians with fixed incomes, who aren't on market incomes, for whom housing affordability is going to be elusive, regardless of what policies are taken on the market side. We do think that we need to double the stock.
When we use the term “social housing”, it still requires all parties. It requires the private sector. It requires non-profits. It requires government. However, it becomes a different mix of what roles...and there are distinct roles between providing the financing, if it's construction or renovation, versus operations and managing at the individual level.
If we look at the social housing space, for example, one very positive development has been in British Columbia, and now the federal government is moving in this direction. It's basically the acquisition fund idea. We do have a lot of aging stock that, if it is going to be upgraded and renovated at market rates, is likely going to be higher value, higher rent—