We often look at our tax system as the way to solve all of the problems we see in the economy by engineering incentives and disincentives here and there, but the truth of it is that, if we want an affordable life and an affordable and sustainable future for future generations, we need to invest now. We need direct government investment in health care, in a green transition to a low-carbon or no-carbon economy and in housing, and that direct investment has to be funded through a fair tax system. That's what we believe.
That actually allows for generations who are living right now to enjoy a better life but also ensures there will be a better life for generations to come. I do believe that is a Canadian value. In order for that to happen, we need our tax system to change drastically because right now it's quite regressive in its overall tax burden. The capital gains tax inclusion rate improvements that are being made in this budget are one small but important step in that change towards fairness.