Thank you for the question.
Yes, you do point to the fact that sometimes there is misunderstanding or a negative perception around co-op housing. Definitely it's a mixed solution. It's not social housing. I have worked as well in the non-profit community housing. The co-op housing sector is very different. It is about empowerment. It does actually lead to skills development due to the model as well, which is another point that reinforces the link between economic development and the co-operative housing model and its potential.
Regarding the challenges I alluded to, one is ensuring that we have sufficient capacity, having the resource groups and the technical expertise. We are working quite quickly, and we say we are ready. We have been getting ready because, prior to the announcement, the members set a vision to grow co-op housing.
You will see in the pre-budget announcement as well that we are not near the average of the OECD in terms of the amount of non-profit community housing. Increasing that to be on par with other OECD countries will also contribute to our GDP. Really, the main challenge is the funding to ensure affordability because that is primarily what non-profit co-op housing members with CHF Canada provide.
Can we build? I think you'll see that generally in all sectors, building housing right now is a challenge because no one can afford...even buying.
The continued investment.... It was noted before as well, when the program was axed, absolutely 100% of the development of co-op housing basically stalled. We were in the city of London not long ago where there has been no development of co-op housing there in 22 years or something, and actually, that was a surprise to some. They didn't realize.
Absolutely, the contribution...and it doesn't need to be a lot. As you said with the $1.5 million, it's $500 million in contribution. It just needs that leg up, and the benefit is long term. Our “The Co-op Difference” research report shows that the housing also becomes more affordable over time. It really act now because this is a long-term solution that provides affordability and security of tenure, having the house and not being fearful of being kicked out and being able to have a family because you're not going to be kicked out or renovicted.
I think the challenges are more in the mindset shift of understanding co-operatives. That's a very big one, I think, and the continued funding and more funding, so we very much hope that this program will demonstrate the need. We have a long list. We know there is more need out there.