Yes, I will say that.
I want to circle back on that a little more if I could.
One of the reasons the five MPs signed that letter was that the five of us had in our ridings long-term care homes during the initial stages of the COVID crisis where the Canadian Armed Forces were asked to come in to serve because the situation was so dire. Many will remember that the Canadian Armed Forces wrote a report that documented some of the horrific conditions in some of those homes. When we became aware of that, we felt like we had to do something. There was a letter to the Prime Minister, but there was also a letter to Premier Ford, asking for a number of things. One of them was national standards for long-term care.
I'm a big believer that you measure what you treasure. If we treasure our seniors and the quality of care they receive, then we need to set a standard, measure our performance against that standard and, like you said, enforce that standard. Thank you for your advocacy on that.
Can you just talk a bit about how, if those national standards were enforced, that could impact the quality of care for our seniors?