Thank you, Chair.
Welcome, everybody, to the committee. There was some great testimony today.
There are a couple of things I'd like to highlight today, which I think are very important.
First off, welcome, Mr. Mintz. It's great to see you. I enjoy reading the literature and the research you put out. I try to read everyone's, from C.D. Howe to MLI, Fraser and sometimes even the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, which tend to be more to the centre on the other side.
Today is a good day, I think, in a lot of ways. No only is today a great day, but I think this decade is Canada's decade. I say that based on the investments of our government and based on the resources and the human capital we have in this beautiful country.
The IMF came out with their economic forecast today. In 2025, Canada will lead the G7. I was looking at the numbers earlier here. It says that Canada will have a 2.4% economic growth rate for 2025. That's better than the United States, the Euro area—and every country within the Euro area—Japan and the United Kingdom.
As we know—and I say this to everyone gathered here—economic growth is hard to generate in a country. You have to have a lot of things in there. The recipe has to be done right. I think we've largely done a lot of good things.
The other thing I wanted to note is that the report talks about inflation. I'm going to take a minute to read what it says about the inflation we very much experienced. There are two different types of inflation. You know this, Mr. Mintz, and so do many of the folks here. You're going to have it driven by central bank policy, like in other countries in Africa or in Venezuela with the printing of money, or you can have a supply-and-demand shock, which we had during COVID.
I pretty much respect the folks at the IMF and the World Bank and the economists there. They have people who have Ph.D.s and master's degrees in economics. They are people who do really interesting work and lead, I would say, the global economy in many ways. It is led by individuals on the ground, like my wonderful residents.
In its “Word Economic Outlook” for October 2024, it says:
...the war in Ukraine led to spikes in commodity prices. Evidence suggests that the pass-through of sectoral price pressures to core inflation and the steepening of the inflation-slack relationship—that is, the Phillips curve—are essential to understanding the global surge in inflation. This evidence is consistent with key sectors hitting their supply bottlenecks as demand rotated across sectors and was boosted over time by a drawdown of savings. This chapter offers a new lesson and confirms an old one for monetary policy. In extreme cases when sectoral supply bottlenecks are widespread across an economy and interact with strong demand, inflation can surge....
We had some bottlenecks during COVID. Then we had commodity prices in Ukraine. That's where we got our inflation, not the other way around. I think that's important to understand, because now inflation has come back down. The chapter is called “The Great Tightening: Insights from the Recent Inflation Episode”.
As an economist, as someone who did a graduate degree and could have gone on to do a Ph.D., I chose to go to Wall Street instead.
This is important, because this is policy, and we know that policy is important. I needed to put that out there, because, yes, this is Canada's decade. It absolutely is. We need to do a few more things, for sure, but I think we largely got it right. To the per capita GDP argument, we had a population surge in Canada with temporary foreign workers and students. We're getting there.
My question is actually for Mr. Couillard.