Quite a variety of care standards exist at the provincial level. What's needed is to start setting some national standards, not only national standards without money but national standards with money from the federal government so that it's quite clear what the federal government expects the provinces to obtain in terms of hours of care per recipient or per client. This is the thing that we need to go into more detail on.
Certainly there's a staffing problem, which is that PSWs, particularly within long-term care, are poorly paid—or enough of them. Something like the essential worker wage top-up that happened in the depths of the pandemic sets potentially a precedent to continue to increase wages, particularly at the low end. However, this isn't purely about staffing. We also need to provide some sorts of standards that all the provinces attain, such that it doesn't matter whether you're in Ontario or Prince Edward Island, you get the same level of care; or whether you move from Ontario to Prince Edward Island, you would still receive the same level of care because such benefits would be transportable between provinces.