There are three main types of investments.
The first type manages risk. The U.S. has a farm bill that allows it to invest heavily in its crop insurance programs. In Canada, our crop insurance programs are not adapted to climate change, as we saw with the floods in Quebec in 2023, which had a huge impact on the produce sector.
The second type of intervention aims to help producers and support businesses that adopt environmentally beneficial practices. These practices often reduce the profitability of businesses. So, if we want to change practices, we have to support and promote those businesses as they transition to better practices, which presents risks. The United States does this by supporting its farmers through various programs. In addition, these programs are generous, because their purpose is really to change these practices so that farmers can improve their environmental footprint.
I would say that risk management, support for environmentally beneficial practices and crop insurance are the support measures to advocate. There is support in Canada, but we're very far from what our main competitors American farmers can receive, even though we're in the same markets.