I'll try to address multiple points.
First, to the amendment, and for my colleague, Mr. Chambers, I am also very much hoping to hear from the Governor of the Bank of Canada, but of course with regard to our study on inflation, housing and affordability, so I would recommend that perhaps you could rescind this amendment and we could figure out some way to appease that desire, because we share that desire, I think. I don't necessarily think that we should be dealing with it with regard to Bill C-8.
In terms of Mr. Ste-Marie, I have the same questions that you do around timing and everything else, so I don't know how helpful I could be on that, necessarily. I don't know how much time we would need for officials on Monday if we were to pass this motion as is, and perhaps—I'd have to ask the clerk if there's time to extend it—we could have another round of pre-budget consultations on Monday as well. I'd also ask the question of whether there would be some extra time available on Monday if possible. That might meet your needs in the immediate term. In terms of exact timing on the budget, I don't have an answer for you.