Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Thank you to the witnesses.
Before I ask my questions, Mr. Chair, I think it's important to put where we're at in a general context. My colleague Mr. Chambers just spoke. I don't know him very well. Actually, I don't know him at all, but he has a very good reputation on our side of the bench. He is seen as someone who is reasonable and thoughtful. In the few finance committee meetings that I have participated in, he has been just that.
But I'm going to have to disagree with one of the things he said. It's a pretty serious thing to disagree on—that is, on the motives of the government. When he just spoke, he talked about the government acting here based on “political motives” rather than substantive concerns about the security of the country and the residents of Ottawa.
What we've seen in the past few weeks should be horrific to all of us. I hope it is. But for some reason I think, when I look across the aisle sometimes, it's maybe not. That's a deep concern. When you have an entire city, the capital city of this country, no less, laid under siege—neighbourhoods blocked off, people unable to get to work, seniors unable to get groceries, families unable to take their kids to school and unable to get to work themselves—that is an enormous concern. When our borders are blockaded, that is a serious concern also about the sovereignty and security of the country at large, not to mention the fact that the organizers of this convoy were calling for no less than the overthrow of a democratically elected government.
Each of those points relates directly to the act, because their existence indicates that the invocation of the Emergencies Act was indeed just and was indeed the right thing to do. This is a public order emergency. If we're going to disagree on things, as we naturally will, I would hope that we would agree on the security of the country and the need to do anything and everything we can to ensure that convoy organizers like Pat King, for example, are not allowed to set the narrative on this.
I still think there are colleagues across the aisle in the Conservative Party who.... Maybe we can find a way to agree on this. Maybe we can find a way to realize moderation and work with them, even if there are clear disagreements on this.