I can certainly start with the answer in respect of part I. The simple answer is that the Canada Revenue Agency requires royal assent of Bill C-2 before it can make payments under the wage subsidy or any of the programs in part I after the end of November, which was the legislated expiration time.
There are some housekeeping measures relating to regulations in the bill, in particular for the twentieth and I think twenty-first qualifying periods, where parameters for those extended periods that have been done through regulation are being moved into the act. It may not always seem to be the case, but we do try to make the rules as user-friendly as possible. Moving those parameters from the regulations to the act puts everything in one place but does not result in a substantive change. For the twenty-third qualifying period, which ends November 22, I think, that could be made through either the normal regulatory process or this bill.
If regulations are in fact promulgated before this bill receives royal assent, then the bill would have the effect of repealing those regulations and moving them into the act along with the parameters for the twenty-first qualifying period, to tidy them up. For the periods ending after November, which are currently precluded under the existing law, the Canada Revenue Agency would be unable to make payments before royal assent of this bill.