You've packed a lot in there.
I think I've been very clear about our mandate and focus. I'm going to leave it to the Parliamentary Budget Officer and other bodies to assess the government's pandemic response. I'm very focused on the response of monetary policy, the need now with an economy that is moving into excess demand to normalize monetary policy reasonably quickly.
I know the words get overused, but we've never been through anything like this. We weren't going to get everything right. At the Bank of Canada, I think we've gotten more things right than we've gotten wrong, but there have been some surprises. We're addressing those and I certainly hope that in the fullness of time, when we look back on this, we will have had strong recovery with inflation coming back to target, we'll have an economy that's well balanced and growing well, and we'll have prosperity in this country.
I do think it could have been so much worse. The collective response has taken a bad situation and made the best of it, but we're not entirely through this. We have some more work to do and we're very aware of that.