I do not believe they would be in a position to give us that assurance. Criminals have historically done, and in the future will continue to do, their best to get around anything if there's an opportunity to make money. They are motivated by greed. This, unfortunately, is not limited to the federal government benefits. We've seen criminals take advantage and try to take advantage of benefits across all the provinces as well as internationally. Unfortunately, while the vast majority of the money that's going out is going out to Canadians who need it—Canadians who are benefiting from it and who require that support—the criminal element, whether Canadian or international, will always try to take advantage. Our role and the role of our reporting entities and the role of law enforcement is to try to identify those individuals, try to intervene with them, and try to lead to enforcement actions, eventually, against them.
I don't think that anyone, including me, could give you assurances, nor could I design a program that would be criminal-proof. We have a regime that is working well. We're working together. We have great co-operation. We have great reporting. We are working well to try to identify those who are trying to take advantage of the system, whether it's here in Canada or in instances in which we can assist our international partners.