Thank you very much.
Minister, I want to follow up on a question having to do with the GIS clawbacks. I understand there is a small part of this bill that is meant to make some tweaks to help ensure that seniors aren't penalized for having availed themselves of pandemic benefits.
However, there isn't anything similar for working-age families who rely on the Canada child benefit, who have also experienced clawbacks of the CCB as a result of having taken CERB or other kinds of pandemic income support. I want to ask what your government's plan is to address those folks.
I've had meetings with parents who have been affected by that CCB clawback. One thing that's come out loud and clear from that group is that, unlike some of the seniors who were quite prepared to come forward and tell their stories, there are a lot of recipients of the Canada child benefit who are worried about telling their story. They're worried about the stigma and shame that can come with being a working-aged person who's been facing difficult circumstances and now having to ask for help. They've expressed concern about people their kids go to school with hearing about them and being made fun of on the playground if their parents are telling stories of hardship publicly. It's made it harder to make the issue a political issue for the government, because they haven't been willing to come forward and tell their stories. However, their suffering is no less real.
I'm asking you what the government's plan is to address families who have been affected by the Canada child benefit clawback.