Thank you very much for that answer.
Just for full disclosure, I asked the Deputy Prime Minister to review the Competition Act, so it was welcome to see some of these discussions in the budget, and I look forward to the consultation.
Where I think I'm having a bit of challenge is that we had consultations with industry before some of these changes were proposed. Now we have proposed changes in a budget bill that is going to be rushed through Parliament, and now industry does not appear to have a consultation period on these proposed draft legislative changes.
Mr. Chair, I would ask, through you and the clerk, given that these changes are significant and that we also have changes to the CBCA, that we invite the minister to appear. It's probably unfair to ask some of the officials the questions that we have, but the Minister of Industry should come to this committee. These are very significant changes.
Frankly, if industry's not provided the opportunity to consult on these proposed changes, I think we'll have a problem passing this legislation at the speed the government would like us to pass it, because I think we otherwise should be getting this committee doing the consultations that the government has failed to do on the proposed changes.
That is something I think we need to be very careful about. I'm open to some suggestions, like bifurcating or separating the bill, so that we can do the proper consultations and add these into the budget bill changes that have been reviewed by industry, and add to the budget bill in the fall. Maybe you'll be open to that, but I think we'd be very interested to hear from industry on these proposed changes at this committee.
I have some additional technical questions. I won't bore the committee with reading them into the record now, but I will submit them through you so that we can get them answered.
My request to our Department of Industry officials, who I think have been great today with giving us some clear answers, is that we need answers to these questions before our industry partners come to testify before committee so that we can test those answers with our industry partners. That will be very important for this committee.
Perhaps, in my remaining time, I'll ask for a clarification. In February, there was a notice provided about changing the Excise Tax Act with respect to digital asset companies and miners. I did not see changes in the budget bill with respect to input prices. Can I just get a clarification that any changes are not in this budget bill, but will come in the future, or is there also planned consultation with industry on those changes? It's probably a question for the Department of Finance.
Mr. Chair, I'd happy to have the Finance officials follow up in writing, and I can also follow up with the parliamentary secretary..